Story of 11 year old Amal Al-Hamandi, Bourj El Barajneh

My name is Amal Al-Hamandi, and I am 11 years old. I see that

Palestine is dying because of Israel. Israel is also launching missiles and

killed three girls in a car. Israel is attacking us and wants our land. It is

also killing both the young and the old. My mom, grandpa, uncle, and I

participated in the protests to strengthen the voice of the people in

Palestine. I say to the people in Palestine, God willing, it will be

liberated, and Palestine will return to us.

I saw on television the children who died, meaning those who were

martyred, and those who were injured going to hospitals. I thought

Israel would come to our camp in Bourj El Barajneh and attack us. I

asked my mom, and she told me no. I insisted, and my mom said not to

talk about such things. I also saw children collecting their toys from

under the makeshift houses, and children eating. I thought someone

gave them toys, but I can't send them. I say to Palestine, God willing, it

will be liberated, return, and become beautiful as it used to be.

Amal Al-Hamandi, 11 years old

Bourj El Barajneh, Beirut, Lebanon

Special Needs


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